Commonly Asked Questions
Most Commonly Asked Questions
About Gopher Directory
.Welcome to the Gopher Business Directory. We have compiled a list of commonly asked questions and answers to help you make the most of our site. If you still have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Help and knowledge based information about Gopher Directory
We only accept websites that meet our Terms and Conditions criteria. At this time, we are only accepting websites from New Zealand and Australia, or websites with strong connections to these two countries. If you are a webmaster from another country and you want to submit a site with either New Zealand or Australian based connections, you will have to contact us to apply for inclusion. We have blocked all other countries from submitting websites outside of New Zealand and Australia because of the high volume of URL spamming.
If you're having trouble submitting your website, it's most likely because you're using a third-party international Internet gateway that uses a non-NZ or Australian IP address. To fix this, please use the contact us form to get in touch.
Yes, you can submit up to 50 websites by becoming a member.
This can vary depending on our Terms and Conditions. If accepted, you will usually be notified within the same day, or within 24 hours.

Members Area
Members area and user features
Can't find what your looking for? Please contact us.
To update your listings, go to your members area / my account section.
Before your listing can be shown in the directory, it will need to be re-approved by us each time you edit it. This is for security reasons.
You can update your profile by going into the members area and clicking on "Update Profile."
You can read your messages in the members/my accounts area.

Linking Back to Gopher Directory
No link back is required, but if your website has a links page, it's courteous to include one. Other websites linking to us helps improve our web presence and ranking, just like it does for you.
Linking back to Gopher Directory helps build link popularity for both websites, which is a key factor in how major search engines rank websites. However, some website owners and webmasters don't realize that link building is one of the most important aspects of any effective web marketing and search engine optimization strategy. By linking back to Gopher Directory, website owners and webmasters can add value to both websites in question. So if you can, please take the time to link back to us.
When you submit your website to our directory, you will need to provide your URL. We will use this to create a backlink to your site.
Thanks for inquiring about our advertising options! Please visit our advertising section for more information on pricing and availability.